Untukmu adik-adik kelas ku tersayang :)

Well, it has been going on for a long time…
I dont know if its just a matter of my point of view…

(Kalian yang ngerasa pasti bakal ketawa, atau yaaa seenggaknya manggut2)
Tapi tenang, the cancer was not on you, it’s me, I’m the one who has been sick.
Im so so so sorry kalau selama ini gue tampak gila hormat, tidak ramah, jarang nyapa duluan dan tidak bersahabat.
Mungkin kalian juga gak peduli-peduli amat…hahaha
If you really dont care, well I’ll take this post as somekind of reminder for me to be a better person in the next phase of my life
But, since the first time, this post was only for those who care kok :)
Once again IM SORRY hehe
im very open to suggestions, and conversations
Cant wait to catch up with u
Ek o ek o

just another essay about self esteem

heyho, i brought you a good news.
gue dierima di d3 advertising Universitas Indonesia!! :D
memang melenceng dari impian awal, Hubungan International.
but this only, is exciting enough!
today's post, im not going to talk about how grateful i am to be accepted
its about those who did not.

i've been thinking guys... and i realize one thing.
i never failed.
good? no. i realize it's such a bad self esteem.
gue sering baca kisah2 sukses, dan nggak ada satupun orang super sukses yang nggak pernah gagal. they failed on the first, second, third trial, but it's worth it. what they have achieved now, wouldn't exist if they didn't fail.

i'm not saying a person like me won't succed, but one thing i know, i miss one lesson in each and every goal i made, i miss the lesson to survive, rise, and taste the true victory. sometimes, it scares me. it gets me thinking, when the time come and i fail, will i have the strength to survive?? (that's a question)

it might a bit bitter in the first, but trust me, succed after failing is the sweetest revenge you may ever taste.
actually i don't deserve to say this hehe

one thing, sukses atau tidaknya sesorang bergantung pada orang itu sendiri. bukan orang lain, kondisi, pepatah lama, atau tulisan di blog anak lulusan sma :b. gue rasa, kita semua sadar dan setuju sama pepatah "gagal itu hanya keberhasilan yang tertunda". now, all we have to do is keep on believing that "that day" will come someday :), cause it definately will.

#LetsBeHonest masuk PTN itu gengsinya gede banget kan? siapa sih yang ngga mau...

tweet tadi adalah dasar postingan kali ini...
(sebenernya nggak sopan juga, setelah berbulan2 hilang, gue sama sekali nggak ngasih intermezzo hahaha.)
so here's the deal guys.

I wrote that on twitter aproximitely 5 hours ago via web, mungkin sebagian besar orang bakal berpikir gue adalah orang yang dangkal banget dengan nulis begitu, you may think so.

but FYI, maksud gue saat itu adalah, gue nggak mau ngilangin fakta bahwa sedikit banyak gue juga punya perasaan kayak gitu. #LetsBeHonest, MUNGKIN kalian juga. walau gue tau itu bukan alasan utama kalian, dan sepertinya gue juga nggak perlu ngejelasin alesan gue. tapi, SIAPA SIH yang nggak blushing ketika ditanya "kuliah dimana?" dan ngejawab "UI", "UGM", "ITB", atau "UNPAD". siapa yang nggak ngerasa bangga?

but hesitation aside, gue rasa berpikir kenakan gitu sangat-sangat manusiawi, gapapakan kita pamer sedikit hasil kerja keras kita? haha, it's normal (asal nggak over).

last, it might not look good, but at least it looks honest.

(when you guys finish reading this post, you may think this is such an unimportant subjectt. but i don't need a reason to write on my own blog rite? btw Thanks 4 reading :D )

