if you guys would mine to understand...

This post may will look like a lame defense and a typical good image making effort. Its your call to believe it or just ignore it.
Bermula dari 2 tweet ini...

•It has been 3 times lately, when people ask me "kuliah dimana?" Me : "UI" P : "ngambil apa?" M : "periklanan" P : "di polteknya?"

•Well FYI, people... I'm not lying and i'm not "adding" things. I am civitas academica of University of Indonesia :)

Somehow gue bisa merasakan sinisme dari teman2 gue ttg tweet diatas hahaha tapi itu wajar. I can accept that. i wish u guys would mine to read this post, but if not im ok with that :)

Well gue akui 2 tweet itu memang gue bikin atas dasar rasa kesal. Tapi gue yakin itu bukan salah satu cara gue untuk merendahkan orang lain. Atau bahkan untuk nyombong. Karna ketika gue ngtweet itu gue sama sekali ngga kepikiran orang lain, cuma gue... Can you guys spot the difference? its just one of my effort to make my own self esteem...

If u guys would mine to know, i used to have a confidence crisis. A huge one. Gue merasa rendah setiap ketemu anak s1! Gue nunduk! Gue merasa seperti bukan anak UI. Di post sebelumnya (sebelum kamaba dimulai) gue coba tunjukin kalo gue siap, and im filled with confidence. But things turn out so different (in my head). Padahal mereka mungkin biasa aja, dan gue tetap menyiksa diri dengan pikiran sampah itu. Pathetic? Oh sure.

That thing torch me for about a couple weeks. Now i start to make up my mind, i start to understand the message. But sometimes when it comes to common people, they just seem to tear down that walls again. They wont bother to know deeper. Coz they dont need to! With no intention yes, but that sometimes makes it even worse. That's why all i'm trying to do is i try to strenghten my self more to face this fact. And twitter is one of my best ammo ;)

Like u guys i need to let out what's in my head. And twitter sometimes can be the best listener. I admit if my recent tweets might be a little offensive to some people, and yes i sound careless about their condition. But once again im just trying to strenghten my self, i need this self esteem. I have to start to be proud of myself. To be proud of what i have, to be thankful to what God have given to me. To be proud to show the world if I am a VOCASIONAL student of University of Indonesia.

Once again if u would mine, im sorry for being offensive, sorry for being selfish. Im not trying to snobb, I just do what's best for me right now. Im putting my self first and do what i think the is most righteous, wheter you guys like it or not.

Fachrul.. :)
